Dr Aboubacar Fall's activities in International Arbitration 1 September 2021 In June 2021, Dr. Aboubacar FALL was elected president of the Senegalese Society of International Law (SSIL). The overarching objectives of the SSIL are to: (i) foster the study of international law; and (ii) promote the establishment and maintenance of international relations based on law and justice. For this purpose, it will cooperate with societies such as the African Arbitration Association in Africa and outside the continent. Further, the SSIL seeks to act as an adviser to the government of Senegal (GoS) and West Africa's regional states and institutions. Among its missions, the SSIL will: (i) promote international arbitration through its Arbitration& ADR operational commission and, in particular; and (ii) provide technical assistance to the GoS and other regional states and institutions regarding international law-related issues, including the UNCITRAL led ongoing discussions on the reform of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism. Separatel, in the framework of 2021 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW), the law firm of Addleshaw Goddard is organizing a virtual session on the general topic of "Africa & International Arbitration" to take place on 23rd September 2021. As a member of the panel, Dr. Aboubacar FALL will be speaking about the "Arbitration: recent developments in Africa" including the activities of the African Arbitration Association and the various very active arbitration institutions. Further, Dr. FALL will be discussing the paramount importance of Africa's active involvement in "the UNCITRAL Working Group 3 regarding the reform of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system/mechanism." |