Course Overview: According to a International Arbitration Survey: Improvements and Innovations in International Arbitration jointly carried out by White & Case and Queen Mary University School of International Arbitration, international arbitration is the preferred mode for resolving international commercial disputes, with about 90% of respondents indicating their preference for international arbitration, either as a stand-alone method (56%) or together with other forms of ADR (34%).
For all its importance and success, international arbitration is not a simple regime. The system is designed to balance party autonomy with the sovereign and transnational regulatory interests that are implicated in disputes, which is achieved through a complex interaction of national laws, contractual agreements, specialized procedural, rules, and international treaties, customs and norms.
More often than not, a deep understanding of these complexities and the skills required for a good arbitration practice is lacking in developing economies, such as Nigeria. The purpose of this course is to provide Nigeria lawyers with an understanding of legal rules and standards, strategic considerations, practical skills and policy implications that are required to be an effective international arbitration practitioners.
International Arbitration Certificate Programmes
The Lagos State Court of Arbitration (LCA) training courses are modelled to equip participants with the essential foundational knowledge and skill-sets to succeed in the complex and dynamic field of international arbitration. With a focus on both theory and practice, the curriculum explores a range of topics through the Arbitration Beginners Class (ABC) and Arbitration Masters Class (AMC). As part of its makeup, the class features hands - on mock arbitration hearings patterned after the Willem C.V is International Commercial Arbitration Moot to facilitate a practical and procedural understanding of international arbitration.
Who Should Apply?
These certificate programmes are geared towards new graduates, mid-career professionals and experienced professionals who are eager to acquire working knowledge and develop their capacity in Arbitration.
Programme Duration: 31st of March - 3rd of April, 2020 | Time: 9am - 5pm
daily with an hour lunch break.
Course Offerings/Fee
1. Arbitration Beginners Class (ABC) 31st of March - 2rd of April, 2020.
Tailored towards new graduates and practitioners who have limited experience in arbitration. Registration Fee is N100, 000.00 (One hundred Thousand Naira Only) which includes tuition, course materials refreshments and lunch daily
2. Arbitration Masters Class (AMC) 31st of March - 2rd April, 2020
This is open to graduates of (ABC) and those who have proof of significant experience or prior training in international arbitration. Registration Fee is N120, 000.00 (One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Naira Only) which includes tuition, course materials, refreshments and lunch daily.
3. Construction Arbitration: 3rd of April, 2020
Registration is open to individuals not enrolled in the Lagos Court of Arbitration Training School to participate in the Construction Arbitration Masterclass scheduled for Friday, the 3rd of April, 2020. Registration Fee is N50, 000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira Only) which includes tuition, course materials, refreshments and lunch.
This Masterclass is also opened to enrolled participants of the Lagos Court of Arbitration Training School (ABC & AMC) at no additional cost.
The Curriculum for the school and certificate are issued by the Lagos Court of Arbitration and endorsed by prominent institutions.