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NCIA Hosts Team from Kenya Private Sector Alliance

17June 2022

NCIA team held a meeting with KEPSA led by NCIA Registrar/CEO Mr. Lawrence Ngugi to explore and discuss areas of collaboration and partnership between NCIA and KEPSA From Left: Alex Mwaniki, Joyner Okonjo, Registrar Mr. Lawrence Ngugi, Harrison Ngatia, Patrick Wandare and David Wambua

Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA)  recently hosted a team from Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) to discuss areas of partnership with the Centre. KEPSA is the apex body of the private sector in Kenya that aims to drive economic development through improvements in the business environment by addressing cross-cutting business issues, driving investment, and addressing social-economic issues with partners. It brings together business associations and corporate bodies, both large SMEs and start-ups, to speak in one voice and work closely with Government and other stakeholders in structured public-private dialogue platforms and other engagement mechanisms.

In his introductory remarks, the NCIA Registrar/CEO, Mr. Lawrence Muiruri, expressed his optimism about the outcomes of the intended partnership between KEPSA and NCIA, noting that a partnership between the two organisations was important to ensure the facilitation and support of KEPSA membership to ease their doing of business using ADR mechanisms.

He noted that ADR mechanisms are key for business continuity and sustainability. He emphasised NCIA’s commitment to ensuring KEPSA membership receives value through the support that NCIA would provide to ensure that dispute resolutions are settled quickly when they arise, which is a fundamental element of doing business.

He observed the importance of working together through a Memorandum of Understanding to create a partnership framework between the Centre and KEPSA. The purpose of the MOU will be to provide a general framework that will govern cooperation between KEPSA and NCIA towards the promotion and sensitisation of programmes for Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. The two organisations agreed to work together to facilitate the provision of mediation venues and the adoption of privately settled Mediation Settlement Agreements by the court(s).


Pursuant to Section 5 of the NCIA Act 2013, the Centre is mandated to provide training and accreditation programs for Mediators and Arbitrators and educate the public on arbitration and other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. In execution of this mandate, NCIA is now offering accredited Training Programs for both Mediation and Arbitration geared towards the promotion of ADR as a dispute resolution process of choice for members of the Public and build capacity for upcoming ADR Practitioners.

The 40-Hour Mediation Training is an advanced and intensive five-day course aimed at equipping participants with practical core skills of Mediation. This is achieved through practical drills in active listening, negotiations, and conflict resolution skills. The course takes a theoretical and practical approach using teaching aids such as handbooks, visuals, a PowerPoint Presentation, and role-plays. The final assessment is done on the practical skills acquired and, generally, the principles of mediation.

At the request of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), the Centre successfully trained the 4th Cohort of the 40-Hour Mediation Training at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Upper Hill, Nairobi, from 13th and 17th June 2022. The training participants were drawn from the Ethics & Integrity Department of KPA. There was also a participant from Kirinyaga County Government. The opening ceremony was graced by the Registrar/ CEO, and the trainer of the course was Ms. Gladys Wamaitha, a member of the NCIA Training Faculty and an experienced Mediator in training and practice. 

Participants who successfully complete the 40-Hour Mediation Training are eligible to join the Centre’s Panel of Mediators as well as the Court Annexed Mediation Program as a Certified Professional Mediator (CPM, (NCIA)). They will also be eligible for further training, Module 2 (Law of Obligations) Training.

In execution of our training mandate, the Capacity Building Unit (Research Development & Training Division), is proud to contribute towards the realisation of the Centre’s Vision of being the Premier Centre of Choice for Alternative Dispute Resolution.