The African Arbitration Association publishes the African Arbitration Atlas
19 January 2021 We are pleased to announce the launch of the African Arbtration Atlas. The African Arbitration Atlas is a free online one-stop resource that comprises of:
The AAL holds arbitration laws of African countries. It is a tool that has interactive and comparative features. The interactive features allow a user to hover over text on the left-hand side of the page, which will highlight countries on the interactive map of the continent indicating whether or not they have arbitration institutions, have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law and are signatories to the New York Convention, the ICSID Convention and OHADA. Clicking a country on the interactive map will bring up an arbitration summary of that country, allowing a user to view, search and download that country’s arbitration legislation. A user is also able to view contact details of a country’s arbitration institution(s), if any. The comparative feature allows a user to compare arbitration provisions of two African countries or of an African country with the UNCITRAL Model Law by selecting them and the arbitration topics from a dropdown menu. |