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East Africa International Arbitration Conference (EAIAC) 2019

  • 29 Aug 2019
  • 30 Aug 2019
  • NAIROBI, Kenya

Conference Overview :

This year’s theme is ‘Government Contracting and Investment Disputes: Lessons for States and Investors‘. The conference will explore the full spectrum of government contracting from procurement and PPPs (public private partnerships), tender disputes, dispute mitigation in government contracts, investment arbitration and arbitrating with governments in African centres. In 2018, the Kenya government successfully defended 2 high profile investment arbitrations: an ICC arbitration relating to the power sector; and an ICSID arbitration in the mining sector. There is focus across the continent on investment in renewable energy, sustainable development, agriculture, healthcare, and education. How can governments and investors better contract? Disputes are expensive, even for the winner –can they be mitigated? Can damages be better assessed and recovered? Do African international arbitration centres and practitioners have a place in investment arbitration? We will answer these questions at EAIAC 2019.


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