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I practise/work in
  • International Arbitration
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Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr)
How you'd like your name to appear in the directory
Mary Ang'awa
Country of Birth
Individual Member Profession (see note below)
  • Arbitrator
  • Mediator/Conciliator
I have not sat as an arbitrator but hold this relevant qualification (see note below)
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
Number of Cases as Sole Arbitrator in international arbitration
Number of Cases as International Mediator/Conciliator
Areas of Speciality
  • Criminal Law
  • Employment
  • Insurance
Degrees/Qualifications, Institutions and Dates Obtained
Bachelors of Law LLB Dec1979 Univiersity of Nairobi
Masters of Laws LLM 2005University of Nairobi
FCIarb 2000 Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
List Arbitration/ADR Panels you belong to
Arbitration. Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya.
Nairobi Centre of International Arbitration NCIA domestic
Professional Experience (Job Title, Organisation and Dates)
Hon. Mary Ang'awa
Former High Court Judge
Judicial officer and others
High Court Judge
Mary Ang'awa ventured into Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 22 years ago (but more actively from 2015 when she retired from the bench) where as a sole arbitrator she has handled a wide range of disputes spanning from; Arbitration case on refurbishment of a building, Lease Agreements and investment disputes. Mary Ang'awa is listed in the following panels; Member, African Arbitration Association (AfAA), Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC), Nairobi Centre of International Arbitration (NCIA) and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb-Kenya).

In the ADR field, she has served as a Tutor Lecturer 2016, 2017, 2018 Chartered Institute of Arbitrators course. In November 2018, she participated as a panel speaker during the International Conference of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Others in Lagos (2023) Speaker in Port Harcourt Ciarb conference Nigeria conferences. Attended a conference in Zanzibar held by EAIC,2023.The ICC conferences in Nairobi.Construction Conference in Nairobi May and June 2024.She is a mentor with the Chartered Institute of Arbitration (UK) and had joined the Africa Arbitration Association (AFAA) as a mentor.
Served on the planning Committee for CIarb at 40yrs May 2024 and currently serving on the planning committee with AfAA. Attended the conference in Zanzibar of the EAIA

Mary Ang'awa holds a Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya School of Law-Advocate, High Court of Kenya, Bachelor’s Degree in Law (Hon) (LLB) from University of Nairobi.

In addition to the above qualifications, she is a Notary Public and a Commissioner of Oaths. She is also a Fellow Arbitrator and an Accredited Mediator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an Eisenhower Fellow, A program for emerging future leaders, an Alumni of the Aspen Institute on the leadership program and is on the Justice Cycle.

She prides herself in many awards that she has obtained during her career; The President Gerald Ford (USA) Award for being an Eisenhower fellow who is considered to reflect the example of integrity and leadership in public service; Former Trustee, President Award (A Youth Empowerment Program affiliated to the International Award (Duke of Edinburgh Award) and Honorary Award from the Association of Adventist Women for her contribution to the judiciary as an Adventist Woman. An Award from the Kenyan former President Moran of the Burning Spear (MBS) (2022).
Legal Background
  • Common Law
Qualified in (specify jurisdiction(s))
Bachelors of Law 1979
Masters of Law 2005
Accredited Meidator
Types of agreements from which disputes in your practice most frequently arise
  • Not Applicable
List arbitration/ADR articles, book chapters, books and where published
F versus J Dispute on building renovation
C versus T Dispute on payment of work done.
Website Address

African Arbitration Association, P.O. Box 695, Nyarutarama, KG 9 Av. No. 66, Kigali, Rwanda

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